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programme AEIMS

3  Oct 2024  programme 
Gordon Museum of Pathology - Hodgkin Bldg, Newcomen St, London SE1 1UL

3 Oct 2024- Morning session; moderated by William Edwards


coffee and registration 


9:30- 09:45

Welcome by William Edwards and by aeims President Ann van de Velde

​9:45- 10:15

Michael Sappol

Death, personhood, and specimens: 

Competing ethical claims and imperatives; or

Who and what are anatomical collections good for?

10:15 - 10:50

Francis Wells and Claudia Pama

Leonardo and Physiognomy: A paradox

Pareidolia: The Science and Art of Seeing Beyond Form


​11:00 - 11:30   

Arthur I. Miller

The Private Lives of AI s

11:30-1200   Debate  with Q&A

Panel discussion

12:00 - 13:00 - Lunch Break  possibility to visit the exhibition at the old operating theatre

Afternoon Session part 1  moderated by Ann Van De Velde

13:00 - 13:30

Pascal Coppens

The use of AI in Healthcare in China 

​13:30 -14:00

Andrew Burd:  

The Sexual Anatomy of Intimacy

​14:00 - 14:30

Melissa Wert

A Brief History of Nursing: Told through the life, works, and artifacts of Florence Nightingale 

14:30 - 15:00 Coffee break 

Afternoon Session part 1 ;  moderated by Ann Van De Velde

Afternoon Session part 2 moderated by Pascale Pollier

15:00- 15:30

Andrew Carnie

The Very Edge of Anatomy: of Art         

15:30 -16:00

Auriole Prince

Every Face Tells a Story: Exploring Identity and Bias in AI

16:00 - 16:30

Mark Roughley

Should humans from the past exist as digital humans in the future?

Wendy Birch 

The Evolution of Anatomical Education : From Vesalius to AI and Beyond

16:30 - 17:00 

17:00 end of conference , move to the Old Operating Theatre 

17:00-19:00 - Private View  exhibition  and performances at the Old Operating Theatre

only 50 places available on a first come first take please register your name

17:15 -17:30

Private view exhibition only 50 places available please let one of the organisers know you would like to be added to the list when registering 

17:30 - 18:00

Bryan Green  Performance Beyond Anatomy

18:00 - 18:30

Performance; "Last chance to honour the Creator " - Clockwork Collective

Pelagie-May Green in collaboration with musicians Steve Aruni and Marco Dalle Luche 

For people who can’t go to the exhibition at the old operating theatre due to place restrictions of 50

from 17:00-late  AEIMS Dinner at the Bunch of Grapes pub

03/10/2024- Gordon Museum of Pathology - Hodgkin Bldg, Newcomen St, London SE1 1UL
04-10-2024The Royal College of Surgeons of England. - 38 – 43 Lincoln's Inn Fields. London WC2A 3PE.


A&B I  @ 25/08/2021- Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Anatomijas muzejs - Kronvalda bulvāris 9, Rīga

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